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Itemising hours worked on payslips

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Itemising hours worked on payslips

What’s on your payslip?

If you pay members of staff a variable amount based on the time they work, you need to know that the way you draft your payslips is changing from April this year.  As we have mentioned at recent seminars, from April you will be required to itemise the number of hours worked to provide some transparency for both parties.  If those members of staff who fall into this category also receive variable rates of pay (for example, if they step up as supervisor on a particular shift or work a bank holiday), there is no additional requirement for you to itemise the hours and rates of pay separately – you will be compliant if you provide an aggregate sum for the total hours.

However, in keeping with the theme of transparency, you may want to take that additional step and itemise the rates of pay too. In our experience, transparency within the employment relationship and employee engagement often go hand in hand.

We know that many of our clients have staff that are paid in this way and will therefore need to ensure that their payroll systems are ready to accommodate the new requirements.  April is just around the corner so do ensure that you update staff who deal with payroll internally or make enquiries with your external payroll provider to be confident that you are ready for the change.

Our articles are intended for general information purposes only and are not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific circumstances. We are always very happy to discuss any plans, issues or concerns you may have and to clarify how we might be able to help. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions taken in respect of this article.