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Farming Law Blog

Trusts as an aid to bringing long term plans to fruition

Philip Nelson
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Driving from Wass to Coxwold the other day, I noticed the ‘Welcome to Hambleton’ sign had disappeared. Not, as in the past, because someone had missed the bend but rather as a sign that the new North Yorkshire Council was slowly removing the...

Recent Budget offers farmers greater flexibility when considering environmental schemes

Katie Daniel
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It has been a tumultuous couple of years in the farming sector, with wholesale changes to the subsidy regime, commodity price shocks and uncertainty concerning export markets. In this context, there was at least some good news in the recent Budget for...

How to make the most of solar farm prospects

Matthew Hayward
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Advances in technology mean that rural Yorkshire is these days a viable location for large scale solar farms – so yet another string is added to the diversification bow. However, the scale and longevity of such schemes means that greater care needs to...

Legal 500 - Fantastic results for Harrowells

Peter Mills
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Each year Legal 500 publish a report focused on the quality of advice and nature of work undertaken by leading law firms in the UK, including our own. Legal 500 base their assessment, to a significant extent, on feedback given directly to Legal 500 by our...

Why a well-drafted partnership agreement is essential

Paul Burkinshaw
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A lawyer will always tell you that a well-drafted partnership agreement is essential.  We would, wouldn’t we, it’s a job! The truth is, however, that a well-drafted agreement is essential. It will do little save sit in a drawer; however,...

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