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Keeping on top of recent changes to employment rights

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Keeping on top of recent changes to employment rights

In addition to increases in the National Minimum Wage, employers need to remember that April brought in a number of other important changes, including those relating to termination payments, statutory family-related pay, sick pay and redundancy pay.

To avoid rolling deadlines for the implementation of new employment laws, the Government generally tries to bunch changes together in April each year. Whilst this helps employers to plan ahead, it can mean that important changes get overlooked if news coverage of one particular aspect dominates. So it proved this year with gender pay gap reporting for larger firms.

To help our clients and contacts keep abreast of annual changes in HR and Employment Rights, we produce a handy desk top fact card. It includes summaries of statutory payment rates and notice periods, tribunal award levels, qualifying periods for entitlement, time limits to bring a tribunal claim together with information on working time and family friendly leave.

If you would like copies of the Fact Card for your team, contact us at advice@harrowells.co.uk

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